Tuesday, January 5, 2016

IIMAIA Camps... Knowledge, Self Discovery, Friendship, Respect

One of the pleasures of teaching JKD and FMA under Guro Dan Inosanto is attending his annual Instructor Camps.

There are three camps offered each year; Spring (4 days), Summer (5 days) and Fall (4 days). Certified Instructors can attend all or part of each camp.

There are also two -2 hour "topical" seminars offered to the general public. Guro covers specific topics such as stick grappling, knife disarms, espada y dagger ...etc.

I have had the wonderful opportunity to meet so many new friends and training partners at the camps.  Instructors fly in from all over the USA and every corner of the world to seek knowledge from Guro Dan. It is a pleasure to share the mat with each of them.

The Camps:
For those who grapple, the camps begins with an hour session with Prof Jean Jacques Machado. This is an optional session but I attend each of JJM's session when I go to the camps. Prof Machado is an amazing teacher. Brilliant, humble and kind. His teachings show the depth of the art of BJJ as well as the simplicity of the art. Its a beautiful hour of BJJ.

Next, it is Guro Dan's time to train us. 4 hours (sometimes longer) of in-depth Jun Fan, JKD Concepts, Silat, Filipino Martial Arts, Muay Thai, Bando...and so much more. Over the course of 4-5 days he shares history, philosophy, concepts, drills and patterns. It is very physical as well as enlightening. We train at a steady high pace: Focus gloves, thai pads, kickboxing with a partner, trapping, takedowns, single and double sticks patterns, sarongs, clinch...on and on.

My Inspiration:
At the time of this writing I am 57 years old. My body hurts from arthritis, my muscle aches, my eyes need stronger glasses each year. But when I get to train with Guro Dan , who is 79 years old, I am motivated to keep going. To keep improving and to keep getting better. He inspires me to continue on my journey.

Guro Dan is the most talented martial artist on the planet. His knowledge base is second to none. His physical skills are simply amazing.  I leave his camps happy that I completed the week, having learned something new but know I have so much more to learn.

It is a humbling experience to be in the same room with Guro. I appreciate each moment I have with him.  The camps allow me to spend more than 20 hours with him on the mat !  20 hours with Guro Dan Inosanto ...How awesome is that !!!!  2016 camps here I come :)

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